News & Press Releases
Interoperability and Accountability
Recently ONC released its ‘Interoperability Roadmap’
as a framework for the transmission of clinical electronic health
records consistent with the goals of the HITECH Act. The ‘Roadmap’
has been criticized as actually delaying Interoperability because
of an emphasis on theoretical concepts rather than realistic...Read
Provider Databases - 2014 in Review
2014 was marked by two fundamental trends impacting
Provider Databases: (1) a substantial
increase in the number and scope of ‘available’ Provider Data ‘sources’
and (2) an increase in the cost of inaccurate Provider
information. Simultaneous with the growth of EHRs has been an increase
in the amount of Provider information available... Read
‘New’ Hospital EMRs –Implications for Provider
A recent report by the Klas Research organization
revealed that the two major hospital EMR vendors, Epic and
Cerner, took a combined 60% market share of all new hospital
EMR systems purchases in 2013. And Epic has passed Meditech in overall
number of hospital EMR systems installed, topping over 1,000 hospitals.
Affordable Care Act (ACA), Nurse Practitioners, and Provider Databases
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had an uneven
beginning but appears to be gaining traction in expanding health
insurance to uninsured Americans. The ACA will have an impact on
Provider Databases as a result of increases in referrals and changes
in referral patterns with new insurance networks.
One other ACA impact on Provider Databases results from the restrained
growth in new physicians in the U.S. coupled with the increased
retirement of the existing ‘boomer’ generation of physicians.
The demand/supply imbalance coupled with the desire to ameliorate
the rise in healthcare costs will undoubtedly lead to greater use
of ‘non physicians’ performing primary care services...
Provider Databases: A National Problem
Much of the improvement in health care and efficiency
rests on the foundation of accurate and up-to-date Provider information
for efficient and error free billing, medical records and transcription…and
even more importantly on long term patient ‘Continuity of
The emphasis on accurate Provider information has exposed weaknesses:
a 2013 OIG report* found that 48% of Medicaid’s NPPES provider
databases contain errors; California was forced to remove its Physician
Directories from its state run Health Information Exchange (HIE)
because of inaccuracies; and recently the ONC sponsored HIE Provider
Directory Workgroup disbanded without any serious, feasible recommendations
for implementation. Read
OBAMACARE and Legacy Provider Databases
The implementation of Obamacare and the resulting
increase in newly insured Americas will have important implications
for legacy referring provider databases in healthcare organizations
as they attempt to provide coordination of care.
This is a result of two factors: First, the newly insured population
will, in most cases, have received some form of healthcare…
in the past and relied on a physician(s), nurse practitioner(s)
or physician assistant(s) for health services. It is unlikely that
these prior ‘uninsureds’ will have the same healthcare
providers in the future. As a result, in coordinating care, providers
will need to identify entirely new sets of providers and types of
providers. Second... Read
New Guidance and Penalties for Healthcare Transactions with ‘Excludeds’
In May, 2013 the Office of Inspector General (OIG)
of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued new guidance on the penalties
associated with the payment of claims made to 'Excluded
individuals or entities' for any Federal Health program
(primarily Medicare and Medicaid). The authority to impose civil
fines and deny payment for claims resides in various Federal statutes
including most recently the Affordable Care Act of 2010. An Excluded
person or entity is defined as one who has engaged in fraud
or abuse related to Federal Health programs and the penalties may
include a $10,000 fine for each claimed item or service and may
also be subject to an assessment of up to 3X the amount claimed.
Guidance on what constitutes liability, falls not only on the Excluded
were dealing with an 'Excluded' person.
As examples: Read
Inaccuracies in Medicare and Medicaid Provider Data Highlighted
A May 2013 Office of Inspector General for the
Department of Health and Human Services report* analyzed the Provider
data files of Medicare and found a very high error rate.
To quote portions of the Executive Summary:
“Medicare provider data in NPPES (National Plan and Provider
Enumeration System) and PECOS (Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership
System) were often inaccurate. In NPPES, provider data were
inaccurate in 48% of records…. in PECOS, provider data were
inaccurate in 58% of records…Addresses, which are essential
for contacting providers and identifying trends in fraud, waste,
and abuse, were the source of most inaccuracies and inconsistencies.
Finally, CMA did not verify most provider information in NPPES and
PECOS….” Read
Electronic Medical Record Successful Usage - Fact or Figment?
Recently Health and Human Services announced that
it had exceeded its target of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) implementation
by paying more that 50% of ‘Eligible Professionals’
almost $6 billion in incentive payments (with more to come)based
on their ‘Meaningful Use’ of EMR systems. All of this
effort is an outgrowth of the requirements in the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the so-called Stimulus Bill.
Indeed this can be seen as a milestone in the overarching effort
to migrate the healthcare industry to EMRs but more importantly
introduce interoperability between healthcare parties for EMR transmissions
via Health Information Exchanges (HIEs).
Moreover the industry, which is the beneficiary of the incentive
payments, has by and large endorsed the program.
But, is this an unqualified success? There do appear to be several
considerations that might temper this ‘success’. Read
Domestic and International Medical School Education for Physicians
in Massachusetts – A Perspective
Source: FolioMed
Provider Data Management Statistical Data
One of the issues facing the new changes in healthcare is the ability
of Physicians to respond to the increase in uninsured patients who
would be eligible for insured and routine medical services. By one
count if there are roughly 300,000+ actively practicing Primary
Care Physicians (PCP)* in the country and 30 million newly insured,
that implies a net gain of 100 patients per PCP. Using an average
multiple of 4 visits a year, there could be up to 400 additional
patient visits per PCP. And, assuming a 20 patient day, approximately
one additional month of patient care per year per PCP.
Numbers can be disputed but whatever the result there will no doubt
be an increase in the demand for PCP services. One of the solutions
to solving this capacity ‘problem’ would be to allow
less than fully licensed Physicians, such as Physician Assistants
and Nurse Practitioners, to screen and treat patients
and assume some of the traditional functions normally reserved for
Physicians. Another solution would be to increase the available
‘supply’ of Physicians by either increasing the number
of US medical schools (a very long term approach)
or encouraging the entry of more Physicians educated in foreign
medical schools. Read
ONC for Health Information Technology “Direct White Pages”
A recent Power Point Presentation was made by the ONC for
Health Information Technology on a
“Direct White Pages” Pilot
The pilot proposes to address the issue of developing a Provider
Directory as one means of implementing messages between
users in a ‘Direct’ environment, that is, in an electronic
Since the concept of a Provider Directory in order to implement
messaging in an EHR world has been debated for
years without (except for a few rare cases) any notable successes,
the ONC wants to pilot with the experience of states to develop,
in their words, a ‘Direct White Pages’ of Providers.
In order to do this they propose to use as a data collection vehicle
state-level Medicaid attestation data, specifically the ‘Direct’
addresses of providers attesting to the State’s EHR incentive
program for Medicaid.
Is this a good idea? Read
EMR vs. EHR and why Provider Data as a Service matters - Market
Launch Group, August 2, 2012
The EMR vs. EHR description below
may seem like a semantic argument and is not agreed to by all vendors.
However, we need to remember the massive federal funds being driven
into Healthcare IT are supposed to solve what can
be viewed as THE major health care challenge….a communication
problem. The work being done by FolioMed around
Data as a Service can be viewed as the missing piece (aka the
telephone/address/specialty/affiliation/ contact directory). Regardless
of it being called an EMR or an EHR
if the Provider data is not highly accurate then it fails to solve
the communication problem. Provider Data as a Service effectively
solve the communication problem
What’s the Difference? Read
AS A SERVICE’ OFFERING - June 12, 2012 Hyannis, Massachusetts
FolioMed announced today that it has begun a new service that consists
of Monthly Verification of New Physician Providers that are
included in the updated files released by the NATIONAL PLAN AND
The new service will be part of FolioMed’s ‘PROVIDER
DATA AS A SERVICE’ for hospital and other healthcare
institutions that rely on FolioMed for verified and accurate provider
databases. The new service will be made available immediately to
current ‘Data Licensing’ and ‘Synchronized Reference
Database’ customers, but also can be licensed as a stand-alone
module, according to Paul Rooker, President of FolioMed.
“With the development of Health Information Exchanges
and the increased requirement for accurate and validated
Provider information in communicating electronic records,
this enhancement to FolioMed’s database software tools and
interactive Database services responds to a widespread industry
need”, he stated. “That need results in part from the
difficulty in sorting through the volume and complexity of the many
conflicting databases of new Providers. FolioMed’s software
tools are able to integrate disparate databases into meaningful
information and then apply processes to timely validate information.
This is especially critical in identifying and monitoring the rapidly
changing practice patterns of new Providers entering the market.”